Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
Write as much or as little as you wish. If you are writing about a specific structure, remember to include the name or description.
Do not bother to contact me by postal mail or phone. I will get annoyed and most likely ignore you. Use the email link below; I typically respond quickly and fully.
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- Did you find the information you were looking for?
- Was the information helpful? Was it understandable?
- Is there info that should be added? Do you have info you can contribute?
- What was the best thing and/or the worst thing on the website?
I am not affiliated with any engineering firm or government agency. I am unable to give professional or technical advice. The information provided in pghbridges is not guaranteed in any way.
For info on school projects, like building a bridge from popsicle sticks:
visit site - Popsicle Stick Bridges
Send Comments - Bruce S. Cridlebaugh
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